WTB 15^50 Swords, Axes, and Hammers!!!
Here's my shopping list. They Must be Req 8-10. They must be 15^50.
My biggest priority is to find the hammers first.
I don't want links to other auctions. If you have said weapon, offer it or not. I'm not going to attempt to get tied into dozens of different Sale threads.
Swords req 8-10 15^50 (if they have hp+30 or sunder 20/20, vamp 3/-1 or zealous is a plus)
Gothic Sword
Jade Sword
Broad Sword
Axes req 8-10 15^50 (if they have hp+30 or sunder 20/20, vamp 3/-1 or zealous is a plus)
Hand Axe
Gothic Dual Axe
Zodiac Axe
Runic Axe
Hammer req 8-10 15^50 (if they have hp+30 or sunder 20/20, vamp 5/-1 or zealous is a plus)
Zodiac Hammer
Clouded Maul
Colossal Pick
30 hp sword, hammer, axe
20/20 sundering sword, hammer, axe
3/-1 vamp sword, 5/-1 vamp hammer
zealous sword, axe, hammer
Icy mod sword, axe